Members must abide by the PBBA Bylaws to maintain their membership in good standing.


Trustee Membership

2 Member listings in the printed and online directories

Special designation in printed and directory

2 Monthly lunches at no cost (20 free lunches per year) (you may choose to send someone in your place)

Pop up banner space allocated at monthly networking events

1 Guaranteed Member Spotlight per year

Designation on name tag

Invitations to all networking events

Event Sponsorship - Monthly Networker MEMBERS

We are pleased to offer event sponsorship opportunities during our regularly scheduled monthly networking events — more exposure means more business.

LOGO ON E-MAIL MARKETING PRIOR TO AND POST MONTHLY MEETING - Three e-blasts to a database of 3,000 email addresses

BANNER / TABLE AT DOOR OF EVENT - Materials supplied by you (space prohibiting)

5 MINUTE SPOTLIGHT - Present your business with dedicated mic-time to speak with the attendees at the event

COLLATERAL ON TABLES - Materials supplied by you

*subject to availability

**lunch is not included

Event Sponsorship - Monthly Networker NON-MEMBER

We are pleased to offer event sponsorship opportunities during our regularly scheduled monthly networking events — more exposure means more business.

LOGO ON E-MAIL MARKETING PRIOR TO AND POST MONTHLY MEETING - Three e-blasts to a database of 3,000 email addresses

BANNER / TABLE AT DOOR OF EVENT - Materials supplied by you (space prohibiting)

5 MINUTE SPOTLIGHT - Present your business with dedicated mic-time to speak with the attendees at the event

COLLATERAL ON TABLES - Materials supplied by you

*subject to availability

**lunch is not included

Members pay only $200 - Please consider joining us!


...and upon payment you will receive an email receipt asking you to fill out this membership information form. Please do so carefully, so that your data is correct in our database, directories and paperwork.



Fill out the application and mail it to us along with a check: Palmetto Bay Business Association, PO Box 56-2766, Miami, Florida 33256-2766